Everything is Going Up in Price

What incredibly unstable financial times we are living in. It seems everywhere you turn right now prices have gone up and quality and quantity have gone down. They have clever names for it: stagflation, shrinkflation and backwardation to name a few. The bottom line though is that nearly everything we buy or rent is more expensive than it used to be.

This past year for Operation Sky Valley we have directly experienced a 25% increase in our facility rent, increased gas prices, our insurance has gone up, van repairs and new tires have been more expensive than ever, garbage service prices has increased, some of our food purchases have nearly doubled in cost (these past few years) and all food products have increased in general.

We held off increasing the price of Child Sponsorship despite these financial hits as long as we reasonably could. In fact, we have never increased the cost of sponsorship since the program’s inception in 2019. Starting April 1st our new sponsorship cost per child is increasing to $48 per month. If you are currently sponsoring a child, your price will not increase unless you choose to sponsor a different child or add more children.

Despite these increases in prices, we remain committed to providing supplemental food to children and elderly in need, in our effort to eradicate hunger and as we have done since 2009. We thank you for your continued support.